Topic: for student

Graduation ceremonies at the School of Law 2025
Märgi kalendrisse Tartu Ülikooli õigusteaduskonna 2025. aasta lõpuaktused.
Five superpowers that doctoral studies will develop in you
Doctoral studies offer the chance to become an expert in a narrow field while also developing the skills of making connections and the ability to process information, manage challenging projects, learn from criticism, and, at the same time, manage time efficiently.
Leave your mark – come join the University of Tartu Student Union!
Alates 24. märtsist on võimalik kandideerida Tartu Ülikooli valdkonna ja instituudi üliõpilasesindajaks. Kandideerida saavad kõik Tartu Ülikooli tudengid, kes soovivad seista üliõpilaste huvide ja vajaduste eest ning muuta üheskoos ülikooli paremaks.
06. March 2025 for studentstudies
More than 160 students took part in the mentoring programme in the autumn semester
This year’s mentoring programme, which drew a record number of participants – 167 mentoring pairs, ended on 19 February.
03. March 2025 for studentalumni
Career conference focuses on the value of PhD in the labour market
On 11 February, the University of Tartu organises the Estonian Doctoral School’s second Career Conference, The Value of a Doctoral Degree in the Job Market, in the university library.
Apply for the virtual thesis writing workshop
Are you a Bachelor's or Master's student starting or already working on your thesis? Do you want to strengthen your skills to navigate the thesis writing process with confidence?
28. January 2025 for studentinternational
See what roles the university mascot Tiksu took on during the Christmas season
This year, the brand-new Tiksu’s Advent calendar “24 Tiksus until Christmas” made the Christmas month special.
29. November 2024 for student
Book launch and discussion with the author William Partlett "Why the Russian Constitution Matters. The Constitutional Dark Arts."
Is there anything - and if so, what - that we can learn from the Russian constitution, established in 1993 with the support and high hopes of democratic Western countries, which proved to be toothless in the face of Putin's autocratic ambitions?
Open lecture: Prof Martin Ebers “How To Regulate Artificial Intelligence: Some Lessons from the EU’s AI Act”
An open lecture analyzing what lessons the AI Act can teach lawmakers about regulating AI.