Topic: research

Dr. Nikhil Mahant lecture on dogmas of AI doomsayers
On March 3 at 16:15, at Delta building, room 1008 (Narva mnt 18), Dr. Nikhil Mahant will deliver a talk titled “Two Dogmas of AI Doomsayers”. The lecture can also be followed live via Zoom. Dr. Nikhil Mahant is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow at Uppsala University and is currently a resident at Susimetsa Philosophicum.
25. February 2025 cooperationresearchfor society
Guidelines for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research have been published
Led by the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Centre for Sustainable Development of the University of Tartu, a guidance material has been developed for researchers on how to conduct interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research. 
31. January 2025 cooperationresearch
Doctoral defence: Liva Rudzite-Celmina "Creations Involving Artificial Intelligence Under the European Patent Convention: Legal Implications and Potential Solutions“
7. veebruaril kell 10.00 kaitseb Liva Rudzite-Celmina õigusteaduse erialal doktoritööd „Creations Involving Artificial Intelligence Under the European Patent Convention: Legal Implications and Potential Solutions“ („Tehisintellekti kaasav looming ja Euroopa patendikonventsioon: õiguslikud tagajärjed ja võimalikud lahendused“).
21. January 2025 researchfor society
Career conference focuses on the value of PhD in the labour market
On 11 February, the University of Tartu organises the Estonian Doctoral School’s second Career Conference, The Value of a Doctoral Degree in the Job Market, in the university library.
Maris Vutt Defended Her Doctoral Thesis "Legal Opportunities for Using Digital Solutions in Decision-Making for a Limited Liability Company"
On 28 November, Maris Vutt successfully defended her doctoral thesis "Legal Opportunities for Using Digital Solutions in Decision-Making for a Limited Liability Company" in the field of law.
Teaduslik järelkasv
Tartu Ülikool on Eesti ainuke kõrgkool, millel on õigus viia läbi doktoriõpet õigusteaduses. Meie doktorandid osalevad rahvusvahelises teadus- ja õppetöös ning külastavad aktiivselt välisülikoole (eelkõige DoRa ja Kristjan Jaak stipendiumiprogrammide abil). Mitmed doktorandid on kaasatud õppejõudude teadusprojektidesse. Tutvu ka õigusteaduskonnas kaitstud doktoritöödega.
12. February 2025 research
Funding Nudge 2025: Discover your research funding opportunities
Grant Office invites university researchers to the first info day on research funding at the university library on 12 February 2025.
25. November 2024 research
Doctoral defence: Maris Vutt “Legal Opportunities for Using Digital Solutions in Decision-Making for a Limited Liability Company”
On 28 November at 11:00 Maris Vutt will defend her doctoral thesis “Legal Opportunities for Using Digital Solutions in Decision-Making for a Limited Liability Company”
12. November 2024 researchfor society
Open lecture: Prof Martin Ebers “How To Regulate Artificial Intelligence: Some Lessons from the EU’s AI Act”
An open lecture analyzing what lessons the AI Act can teach lawmakers about regulating AI.
Just Transition Forum envisions the future of Ida-Viru county, discussing sustainable industry, the self-learning factory and flexible labour market
On 14 November, the Just Transition Forum “From smart shrinkage to sustainable large-scale industry. Visions for the future of Ida-Viru” will be held at the Narva College.
04. November 2024 cooperationresearchfor society