Zed Kolk

Registration for course "Litigation in US" OIEO.06.068 (3 ECTS)

Litigation in US, OIEO.06.068 (3 ECTS)

Class on Commercial Law and Document Drafting in US provides and introduction to U.S. government and interplay between State Federal systems; overview of the structure and function of the judiciary; case study of licensing agreement; case study of insider trader securities fraud case; basics of contract drafting and negotiation; basics of dispute resolution.

Target group is students with some knowledge of contract law, some familiarity with corporate law will be helpful but is not required.Guest lecturer is dr. Laura Stevenson who is visiting Tartu University School of Law under the program of Visiting Professorship for Senior Lawyers run by Center for International Legal Studies (CILS, Austria). 

Classes will take place from 18.09 - 28.09.2023, on M, T, W, Th: 16:15 -17:45, Näituse 20.

Registration for course:


Laura Stevenson

Laura Stevenson has a Juris Doctorate from the University of North Carolina School of Law and a Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics from Georgia State University. She has served as a judge in civil and criminal matters for a total of thirteen years and practiced law in Georgia for over thirty years. Judge Stevenson taught comparative law at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, and at Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic. 
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