Admission to PhD study place funded by a research grant is open until 30 November

Õigusteaduskonna doktoritööd
Andres Tennus

PhD studies in Law opened admissions from 15 to 30 November for the study place funded by Associate Professor Mari Ann Simovart's grant on the research topic "Public administration vs public procurement: legal aspects of a "make or buy" decision".

Supervisor is Associate Professor Mari Ann Simovart.

Read more about this topic. The study place linked to this topic does not have a junior research fellow position.

Doctoral thesis project must be submitted with other requested documents in DreamApply application system by 30 November. Please see requirements for the doctoral thesis project. Online entrance interviews take place on 7 December.


Application deadline is 30 Nov in SAIS and in DreamApply.

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Candidates who have scored at least 42 points (out of 60) for their doctoral thesis projects will be invited to the entrance interview. Maximum score for the entrance interview is 40 and the minimum positive result is 28.

For further questions applicants can contact

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