NordPlus programme

In October 2009, the School of Law joined NordPlus, a network of law faculties from 22 Nordic universities. Under the Nordplus programme, undergraduate and/or postgraduate students have the opportunity to study at the network's partner universities.

Each partner university agrees to accept at least two students (see list below for exceptions and specific agreements). Students can study at a partner university for either one semester or one academic year.


To study at a partner university, you may be awarded a scholarship to cover part of your travel and living expenses. The scholarship is normally paid as follows: travel costs to Iceland 660 euros, to other destinations 330 euros + 200 euros per month living allowance. To receive the scholarship, an application is submitted to the general programme coordinator via the School of Law's coordinator.

Call for applications for the academic year 2022/2023

All students wishing to study at a partner university are kindly requested to submit the following documents in Estonian (except language certificate) to Aive Suik (by email: at the University of Tartu School of Law by 22 March 2022 at the latest:

1. application (free form). The application must indicate the university you wish to study at and whether you wish to study for one semester or one academic year. A student may apply to up to two universities, indicating in the application his/her first and second preference. NB! The application must be either with handwritten signature in pdf format; or digitally signed; no other documents need to be signed;
2. CV
3. a certificate of previous academic performance, showing the weighted average of the grades obtained over all the results. For Master's degree holders, also academic transcript of the previous academic year;
4. a certificate of proficiency in the foreign language of the foreign university (certificate in the appropriate language). This certificate may be an international test, a test taken in Estonia (including the test taken at the University of Tartu College of Foreign Languages and Cultures) or a certificate of completion of a foreign language course indicating the level and volume of the language studied;
5. letter of motivation

The results of the competition will be known by 28 March 2022 at the latest.

The details of the successful students will be communicated to the universities abroad and to the general coordinator of the programme.

The general Univeristy of Tartu study abroad regulations will apply.

NB! It is important to familiarise yourself with the admission requirements of the foreign university and to respect the deadline for submission of admission documents.

Partner Universities

Háskóli Íslands

An agreement is in place for exchanges of postgraduate students.


Háskólinn í Reykjavík

An agreement is in place for one exchange of postgraduate student.

Mykolo Romerio universitetas

This university is also a signatory of the Erasmus agreement. The university does not limit the number of students it accepts.

Norges arktiske universitet

An agreement is in place for six exchanges of postgraduate students.


Universitetet i Bergen

This university is also a signatory of the Erasmus agreement. An agreement is in place for three exchanges of Master's students.


Universitetet i Oslo

This university is also a signatory of the Erasmus agreement. An agreement is in place for two student exchanges, both can study abroad for one semester.

Göteborgs universitet

An agreement is in place for two student exchanges.


Lunds universitet

An agreement is in place for two Master's student exchanges, both can study abroad for one semester.


Stockholms universitet

An agreement is in place for one student exchange.


Umeå universitet

An agreement is in place for one student exchange.


Örebro universitet

An agreement is in place for two Master's student exchanges.

Helsingin yliopisto

This university is also a signatory of the Erasmus agreement. An agreement is in place for one student exchange.


Itä-Suomen yliopisto

This university is also a signatory of the Erasmus agreement.


Lapin yliopisto

This university is also a signatory of the Erasmus agreement. An agreement is in place for three student exchanges.


Turun yliopisto

Aalborg Universitet

This university is also a signatory of the Erasmus agreement. An agreement is in place for Master's students exchanges.


Aarhus Universitet

This university is also a signatory of the Erasmus agreement. An agreement is in place for two Master's student exchanges.


Københavns Universitet

Kokkulepe on sõlmitud ühe üliõpilase vahetamiseks üheks semestriks. NB! Academic year 2022/2023 University of Copenhagen is not accepting School of Law's students.


Syddansk Universitet

Contact programme coordinators

Programme coordinator at the School of Law

Prof Merle Erikson
Prof Merle Erikson

Programme general coordinator

Mr. Jani Suokanerva
Advisor, Internationalisation Services
University of Lapland
+358 40 484 4402
Mr. Jani Suokanerva
Advisor, Internationalisation Services
University of Lapland
+358 40 484 4402
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