
Our academic staff has written more than a hundred legal monographs, textbooks and teaching aids and many scientific commentaries on how to understand and implement various legal acts.

Here we have collected publications that our academic staff has written in foreign languages. For publications in Estonian, see the Estonian page.

Books, collections and special issues

Erikson, Merle (2021). European Works Council Estonia. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International.

Ebers, Martin; Steinrötter, Björn (2021). Künstliche Intelligenz und smarte Robotik im IT-Sicherheitsrecht. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Kiviorg, Merilin (2021). Law and Religion in Estonia (third edition). The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International.

Loot, Heiki; Ernits, Madis; Lõhmus, Uno; Mälksoo, Lauri; Luts-Sootak, Marju (Toim.) (2021). Riigiõiguse aastaraamat 2021. Tallinn.

Sein, Karin; Ebers, Martin (Ed.) (2021). Special issue of Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law.

Articles on peer-reviewed International journals and collections

Johansen, Elise; Dahl, Irene Vanja; Lott, Alexander; Peter Nickels, Philipp; Solstad Andreassen, Ingrid (2021). A Marine-Biology-Centric Definition of Ocean Connectivity and the Law of the Sea. Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 12, 190−206. DOI: 10.23865/arctic.v12.3292.

Marvan, T.; Polák, M.; Bachmann, T.; Phillips, W.A. (2021). Apical amplification—a cellular mechanism of conscious perception? Neuroscience of Consciousness, 2021 (2, niab036), 1−17. DOI: 10.1093/nc/niab036.

Toivonen, Virve; Muhonen, Jatta; Kalliomaa-Puha, Laura; Luhamaa, Katre; Strömpl, Judit (2021). Child Participation in Estonian and Finnish Child Welfare Removals – Professionals’ Perceptions and Practices. The International Journal of Children's Rights, 29, 701−730.

Schihalejev, Mari; Saarma, Toomas; Draba, Edvins; Strunkiene, Ieva (2021). Conditions for the Bankruptcy of Natural Persons: Which Baltic State is the Most Attractive Bankruptcy? International Comparative Jurisprudence, 7 (1), 100−114. DOI: 10.13165/j.icj.2021.06.008.

Tedersoo, Leho; Küngas, Rainer; Oras, Ester; Köster, Kajar; Eenmaa, Helen; Leijen, Äli; Pedaste, Margus; Raju, Marju; Astapova, Anastasiya; Lukner, Heli; Kogermann, Karin; Sepp, Tuul (2021). Data sharing practices and data availability upon request differ across scientific disciplines. Scientific Data, 8 (192), 1−11. DOI: 10.1038/s41597-021-00981-0.

Luts-Sootak, Marju; Siimets-Gross, Hesi (2021). Eine rechtmäßige Diktatur? Estlands Verfassungsentwicklungen in der Zwischenkriegszeit des 20. Jahrhunderts. Parliaments, Estates and Representation, 41 (2), 201−225. DOI: 10.1080/02606755.2021.1928863.

Leppik, Lea (2021). Rezeension: Epi Tohvri, Georges Frédéric Parrot. Tartu Keiserliku Ülikooli esimene rektor [Georges Frédéric Parrot. Der erste Rektor der Kaiserlichen Universität Dorpat]. Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte (209−214). Paderborn: Brill. DOI: 10.30965/9783657793365_017.

Kalamees, Piia (2021). Goods with Digital Elements And The Seller’s Updating Obligation. Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology, and Electronic Commerce Law, 12 (2).

Mälksoo, Lauri (2021). International Law and the 2020 Amendments to the Russian Constitution. American Journal of International Law, 115, 78−93.

Sein, Karin (2021). Interplay of Digital Content Directive, European Electronic Communications Code and Audiovisual Media Directive in communications sector. Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology, and Electronic Commerce Law, 12 (2), 169−180.

Erikson, Merle (2021). Introducing the Autonomous Employee Category: The Chance to Create a Flexible and Secure Employment Relationship? European Labour Law Journal, 12 (3), 387−398. DOI: 10.1177/2031952521990854.

Ebers, Martin (2021). Liability for Artificial Intelligence and EU Consumer Law. Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology, and Electronic Commerce Law, 12 (2), 204−220.

Mälksoo, Lauri (2021). Post-Soviet Eurasia, uti possidetis and the Clash Between Universal and Russian-led Regional Understandings of International Law. New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, 53 (3), 787−822.

Lott, Alexander (2021). The (In)applicability of the Right of Innocent Passage in the Gulf of Finland – Russia’s Return to a Mare Clausum? The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 36 (2), 241−262. DOI: 10.1163/15718085-bja10047.

Lott, Alexander (2021). The MS Estonia Shipwreck Revisited: New Developments in the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Northern Baltic Sea. Nordic Journal of International Law, 90 (3), 343−372. DOI: 10.1163/15718107-bja10030.

Lott, Alexander (2021). The Passage Regimes of the Kerch Strait – To Each Their Own? Ocean Development & International Law, 52 (1), 1−29. DOI: 10.1080/00908320.2020.1869445.

Luts-Sootak, Marju (2021). Carl Erdmann – ein deutschbaltischer Provinzialrechtler mit Idealen. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte Germanistische Abteilung, 138, 155−177. DOI: 10.1515/zrgg-2021-0005.

Bachmann, T. (2021). “Normal” Hallucinations and Attention. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15 (731600), 1−4. DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2021.731600.

Simovart, Mari Ann (2021). An illustration of procurement rules governing assessment, award and requests for additional information: Germann Avocats LLC v European Commission (T-352/18). Public Procurement Law Review, 5, NA141−NA147.

Maarand, Märt (2021). Bank Recovery and Resolution Measures’ Restrictive Effects on Appealing Against Them. Juridica International, 30, 164−173. DOI: 10.12697/JI.2021.30.18.

Simovart, Mari Ann (2021). Choice of law applicable to joint cross-border public procurement by central purchasing bodies or under occasional collaboration agreements. Upphandlingsrättslig Tidskrift (UrT), 1, 1−18.

Kaugia, Silvia; Lall, Annika; Zile, Aelita (2021). Comparative Study on Frequency of Various Papillary Pattern Types in Estonian Men and Women. SOCRATES Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes elektroniskais juridisko zinātnisko rakstu žurnāls / SOCRATES Rīga Stradiņš University Faculty of Law Electronic Scientific Journal of Law, 20 (2), 301−316. DOI: 10.25143/socr.20.2021.2.301-316.

Kõve, Villu (2021). Die Transplantate vom deutschen Recht für die Reform des Privatrechts in Estland. Am Beispiel des Abstraktionsprinzips. Juridica International, 2021, No. 30, pp. 123-131. DOI: 10.12697/JI.2021.30.14.

Oprysk, Liliia (2021). Digital Consumer Contract Law without Prejudice to Copyright: EU Digital Content Directive, Reasonable Consumer Expectations and Competition. GRUR International, 943−956. DOI: 10.1093/grurint/ikab058.

Lahe, Janno (2021). German Transplants in Estonian Tort Law: General Duties to Maintain Safety. Juridica International, 2021, No. 30, 132−139.

Kaugia, Silvia; Lall, Annika; Zile, Aelita. (2021). Identification of Papillary Patterns in Human Fingers and Toes on the Basis of General Characteristics. SOCRATES Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes elektroniskais juridisko zinātnisko rakstu žurnāls / SOCRATES Rīga Stradiņš University Faculty of Law Electronic Scientific Journal of Law, 19 (19), 14−24.

Tavits, Gaabriel; Kelli, Aleksei (2021). Legal and Practical Issues Related to Telework: The Example of Estonian Law. Journal of the University of Latvia: Law. 14, 80−90. DOI: 10.22364/jull.14.

Sein, Karin; Rott, Peter (2021). Obstacles to Legal Tech Services: Examples from Germany and Estonia. Journal of European Consumer and Market Law, 3, 101−109.

Sein, Karin (2021). Smart consumer goods and digital content: international jurisdiction and law applicable to the claims of consumers. Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Handelsrecht, 8−20.

Eenmaa, Helen (2021). Sovereignty and Autonomy via Mathematics. Stanford Journal of Blockchain Law & Policy, 4 (1), 79−101.

Kull, Irene; Ristikivi, Merike (2021). Ten Years of Tartu–Konstanz Co-operation: Joint Seminars on Private Law and Successfully Defended Doctoral Theses in the Faculty of Law of the University of Tartu. Juridica International, 30, 7−13. DOI: 10.12697/JI.2021.30.02.

Luts-Sootak, Marju; Visnapuu, Karin (2021). The Aims and Discussions of the Foundation of Land Reform in Estonia After the WWI. Journal of the University of Latvia: Law. 14, 111−128. DOI: 10.22364/jull.14.07.

Sein, Karin (2021). The Applicability of the Digital Content Directive and Sales of Goods Directive to Goods with Digital Elements. Juridica International, 30, 23−31. DOI: 10.12697/JI.2021.30.04.

Rosin, Kaie (2021). The Relationship between EU Law and Fundamental Principles of Estonian Substantive Criminal Law. Juridica International, 30, 174−182. DOI: 10.12697/JI.2021.30.19.

Ebers, Martin; Cantero Gamito, Marta (2021). Algorithmic Governance and Governance of Algorithms: An Introduction. In: Martin Ebers; Marta Cantero Gamito (Ed.). Algorithmic Governance and Governance of Algorithms: Legal and Ethical Challenges (1−22). Cham: Springer Nature. (Data Science, Machine Intelligence, and Law; 1).

Simovart, Mari Ann (2021). Article 34. Dynamic Purchasing Systems; Article 35. Electronic Auctions; Article 36. Electronic Catalogues. In: Roberto Caranta, Albert Sanchez-Graells (Ed.). European Public Procurement. Commentary on Directive 2014/24/EU. (377−416). Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing. (Elgar Commentaries series). DOI: 10.4337/9781789900682.

Kiviorg, Merilin (2021). Autonomy of religious communities versus the battle for human rights: Two sides of the same coin. In: W. Cole Durham Jr; W. Cole; Martínez-Torrón, Javier; Thayer, Donlu D. (Ed.). Law, Religion, and Freedom: Conceptualizing a Common Right. Routlage.

Tzortzatou, Olga; Slokenberga, Santa; Reichel, Jane; da Costa Andrade, Andreia; Barbosa, Carla; Bekaert, Sofe; van Veen, Evert-Ben; Romeo-Casabona, Carlos M.; Cathaoir, Katharina Ó.; Chassang, Gauthier; Debucquoy, Annelies; Derèze, Jean-Jacques; Dollé, Laurent; Eaker Fält, Sonja; Halouzka, Radek; Hartlev, Mette; Hisbergues, Michael; Hoppe, Nils; Huys, Isabelle; Kindt, Els; Pormeister, Kärt; ... Falzon, Ruth Vella (2021). Biobanking Across Europe Post-GDPR: A Deliberately Fragmented Landscape. In: GDPR and Biobanking: Individual Rights, Public Interest and Research Regulation across Europe (397−420). Springer. (Law, Governance and Technology Series; 43). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-49388-2.

Israel, Sabine; Deakin, Jo; Frank, Renata; Markina, Anna; Murakas, Rein; Quandt, Markus (2021). Bounded Agency and Social Participation: How Socioeconomic Situation and Experiences Influence Young People’s Way of Engaging In Society. In: Bruselius-Jensen, Maria; Tisdall, Kay; Pitti, Ilaria (Ed.). Young People’s Participation: Revisiting Youth and Inequalities in Europe. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.

Sõritsa, Dina; Lahe, Janno (2021). Compensation for Damages in the Cases of Medical Malpractice: Estonian Perspective. In: Compensation Schemes for Damages Caused by Healthcare and Alternatives to Court Proceedings (163−178). Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-67000-9.

Kiirend-Pruuli, Katrin; Luts-Sootak, Marju; Siimets-Gross, Hesi; Bender, Reet (2021). Die Mesalliance des liberalen Eherechts mit dem konservativen Familienrecht im Estlands Recht der Zwischenkriegszeit. In: Löhnig, Martin (Hg.). Kulturkampf um die Ehe – Die Reform des europäischen Eherechts nach dem Großen Krieg (307−370). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-159305-5.

Ginter, Carri; Kelli, Aleksei; Linntam, Albert; Toom, Triin; Kuum, Katariina (2021). Estonia. In: Simon Bryan (Ed.). Encyclopedia of International Commercial Litigation (1−74). Wolters Kluwer.

Lahe, Janno; Kull, Irene (2021). Estonia 2020. In: Ernst Karner, Barbara C. Steininger (Ed.). European Tort Law Yearbook (153−168). De Gruyter. DOI: 10.1515/tortlaw-2021-0008.

Luhamaa, Katre; O'Mahony, Conor (2021). International human rights law governing national adoption from care. In: Tarja Pösö, Marit Skivenes and June Thoburn (Ed.). Adoption from Care. International Perspectives on Children’s Rights, Family Preservation and State Intervention (177−193). Policy Press.

Ebers, Martin; Steinrötter, Björn (2021). IT-Sicherheit(srecht) und neue Technologien – ein Problemaufriss. In: Ebers, Martin; Steinrötter, Björn (Hg.). Künstliche Intelligenz und smarte Robotik im IT-Sicherheitsrecht (11−24). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. (Datenrecht und neue Technologien; 1).

Kull, Irene; Lepik, Gea (2021). Judicial Review of B2B Contracts. Estonia. In: Hannes Wais, Thomas Pfeiffer (Ed.). Judicial Review of B2B Contracts. A Handbook (63−84). C.H.BECK.

Reindl, Anton; Rudigkeit, Nina; Ebers, Martin; Tröbinger, Mario; Elsner, Jean; Haddadin, Sami (2021). Legal and Technical Considerations on Unified, Safe and Data-Protected Haptic Telepresence in Healthcare. In: Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Safety for Robotics Nagoya, Japan, March 4-6, 2021 (1−5). IEEE.

Suder, Seili, Erikson, Merle (2021). Microchipping Employees – Unlawful Monitoring Practice or a New Trend in the Workplace? In: Ebers, M., Cantero Gamito, M. (Ed.). Algorithmic Governance and Governance of Algorithms. Legal and Ethical Challenges (71−85). Springer International Publishing. (Data Science, Machine Intelligence, and Law; 1).

Tavits, Gaabriel (2021). New Forms of Employment and Innovative Ways for the Collection of Social Security Contributions: The Example of Estonia. In: U. Becker; O. Chesalina (Ed.). Social Law 4.0 New Approaches for Ensuring and Financing Social Security in the Digital Age (281−306). Nomos. DOI: 10.5771/9783748912002.

Luhamaa, Katre; Strömpl, Judit (2021). Overcoming the Soviet legacy? Adoption from care in Estonia. In: Tarja Pösö, Marit Skivenes, June Thoburn (Ed.). Adoption from Care. International Perspectives on Children’s Rights, Family Preservation and State Intervention (33−48). Policy Press.

Pormeister, Kärt (2021). Regulatory Environment for Biobanking in Estonia. In: GDPR and Biobanking. Individual Rights, Public Interest and Research Regulation across Europe (227−242). Springer. (Law, Governance and Technology Series).

Lahe, Janno; Kull, Irene (2021). Regulierung von Auslandsunfällen. Estland. In: W. Bachmeier (Hg.). Regulierung von Auslandsunfällen. 3. Auflage (238−270). Nomos.

Mälksoo, Lauri (2021). The Russian Concept of International Law as Imperial Legacy. In: Hilpold, Peter (Ed.). European International Law Traditions (261−277). Heidelberg: Springer.

Kull, Irene; Ristikivi, Merike; Kelli, Aleksei (2021). Transplants in Estonian Legal Education. Influences from the US Legal System. In: Susan Bartie, David Sandomierski (Ed.). American Legal Education Abroad: Critical Histories (189−208). New York: New York University Press.

Kull, Irene (2021). Transposition of the Directive (EC) 2015/2302 into Estonian Law. In: Vincenzo Franceschelli, Francesco Morandi, Carlos Torres (Ed.). Collective Commentary on the New Package Travel Directive (615 −640). Portugal: ESHTE/INATEL.

Ristikivi, Merike (2021). Women and the Legal Academy in Estonia. In Memory of Vera Poska-Grünthal, the First Female Law Lecturer in Tartu. In: Ulrike Schultz, Gisela Shaw, Margaret Thornton, Rosemary Auchmuty (Ed.). Gender and Careers in the Legal Academy (309−320). London: Hart Publishing. (Oñati International Series in Law and Society).

Simovart, Mari Ann (2021). Global Suspension & Debarment Directory. Estonia. In: The World Bank (Ed.). Global Suspension & Debarment Directory. (32−36).… World Bank Publications.

Kelli, Aleksei; Lindén, Krister; Vider, Kadri; Kamocki, Pawel; Tavast, Arvi; Birštonas, Ramūnas; Tavits, Gaabriel; Keskküla, Mari; Labropoulou, Penny; Kull, Irene; Värv, Age; Erikson, Merle; Vutt, Andres; Calamai, Silvia (2021). Sharing is Caring: a Legal Perspective on Sharing Language Data Containing Personal Data and the Division of Liability between Researchers and Research Organisations. Selected Papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2020. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, 129−147. (Selected Papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2020; 180). DOI: 10.3384/ecp18015.

Kiviorg, Merilin (2021). The legal status of old and new religious minorities in Estonia. In: Ventura, Marco (Ed.). The legal status of old and new religious minorities in the European Union. Comares.

Kaugia, Silvia; Lall, Annika (2021). Использование психологических знаний в раскрытии и расследовании преступлений. In: Роль и перспективы развития взаимосвязи криминалистики и юридической психологии в подготовке квалифицированных кадров для органов внутренних дел (46−51). Академия МВД Республики Узбекистан.

Kaugia, Silvia; Lall, Annika (2021). Рост уровня тяжких преступлений􀌯 против личности в эстонии в фокусе уголовного производства. Следственная деятельность: наука, образование, практика (31−35). Минск: Строй􀌮 МедиаПроект.

Kaugia, Silvia; Auväärt, Lembit (2021). System of Physiological Affects Signs’ Computer Analysis (Critical Analysis of Forensic Psychological Examination in Republic of Estonia). Вестник Калужского университета. Серия 1. Психологические науки. Педагогические науки , 95−102.

Lall, Annika; Kaugia, Silvia (2021). Динамика преступлений в области семейного насилия в Эстонии в 2011–2019 годах. Деятельность правоохранительных органов на современном этапе: наука, образование, практика: сб. статей / Акад. упр. при Президенте Респ. Беларусь (127−129). Minsk Valgevene: Академия управления при Президенте Республики Беларусь, Минск 2021, 127-129.

Erikson, Merle; Kull, Irene (2021). Alteration of the Contractual Equilibrium Due to COVID-19 in Employment and Civil Law Contracts under Estonian Law. In: E. Hondius, M. Santos Silva, A. Nicolussi, P. S. Coderch, C. Wendehorst, F. Zoll (Toim.). Coronavirus and the Law in Europe (1027−1045). Intersentia.

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