Loengusarja "Tehnoloogia ja õigus" värskeim osa jõuab huvilisteni Tallinnas 5. mail kell 16. Külalisena peab ettekande Uppsala ülikooli avaliku õiguse professor Anna-Sara Lind.
Loengu info on inglise keeles.
The development of legislative initiatives and policy measures relating to artificial intelligence (AI) are rapidly increasing. This lecture aims to sketch some of the current trends in Europe, taking as its point of departure the European Commission proposal for a Regulation on Artificial Intelligence. As it seems, this proposal raises important questions as to how basic features of the rule of law should be realized in the modern nation state especially in relation to human rights. It also gives us reason to reflect upon the position and responsibilities of the legislator(s) and the executive in current times where the digital development continues in rapid speed.
Anna-Sara Lind is a Professor of Public Law at the Faculty of Law, Uppsala University. She is also Scientific leader of the Centre for multidisciplinary studies on religion and society (CRS), Uppsala University and involved in the WASP-HS programme on artificial intelligence (wasp-hs.org).
When? 5 May 2022 at 16:00
Where? School of Law Tallinn, Kaarli pst 3 - 201
NB! No registration necessary.