Juridica Internationali uus number nüüd saadaval

Juridica International
Andres Tennus

Selle aasta number on pühendatud olulisele tähtpäevale - emeriitprofessor Paul Varuli 70. sünnipäevale. Lugejapöördumises rõhutab professor Irene Kull, et Varuli panust Eesti õigussüsteemi ülesehitamisele on raske üle hinnata. Emeriitprofessori usk noortesse juristidesse ja austus kolleegide vastu on omadus, mille Varuli õpilased ja kolleegid on eeskujuks võtnud.

Juridica International 31/2022

Tänavusest Juridica Internationalist leiab 11 artiklit:

  • Anneli Albi „A Paradigm Shift in the Role of Courts? Disappearance of Judicial Review through Mutual Trust and other Neofunctionalist Tenets of EU Law“
  • Carri Ginter, Anneli Soo „The ‘Public Order’ Parachute in Combating Racism and Xenophobia“
  • Christoph G. Paulus „The Eternal Struggle for Supremacy between Creditor and Debtor“
  • Silvia Kaugia, Raul Narits „On the Field of Application of Sociology of Law to Law-making and Impact Assessment (The Experience of Estonia)“
  • Katre Luhamaa, Merike Ristikivi „Rebuilding the Court System of Estonia after the Communist Regime“
  • Jesús Manuel Villegas Fernández, Victoria Rodríguez-Blanco „The Independence of the Judiciary: Meaning and Threats“
  • Mario Truu „The European Court of Human Rights and the Principle of Foreseeability (Lex Certa and Stricta). How to Determine Whether an Offence Is Clearly Defined in Criminal Law“
  • Kadri Härginen „The Duty of Diligence of a Tenderer in EU Public Procurement Law“
  • Liva Rudzite „Algorithmic Explainability and the Sufficient-Disclosure Requirement under the European Patent Convention”
  • Mari-Liis Tohvelmann, Kristjan Kask „From Child to Adult Victims and Witnesses: Ways of Improving the Quality of Investigative Interviews“
  • Marta Otto „‘Protection of Employee Privacy in the Digital Workplace’: Arguments and Comments Presented during the Defence of Seili Suder’s Doctoral Thesis
Juridica International 31/2022

Juridica International, mida avaldatakse alates 1996. aastast, on eksperdihinnanguga avatud juurdepääsuga ajakiri. Juridica Internationalil on kontaktid rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud teaduslike andmebaasidega.

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